Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Success in Business

This blog hasn't been updated in a long time and a lot of what I wrote back then are things I don't agree with now.
Here are some important points on how to succeed in business:
  • make something that you are certain others want, or make something that you yourself are really interested in
  • decide on something and go
  • adjust along the way
  • understand it.  What are you making?  Why?  It's not enough to vaguely think of this stuff.  I think the clearer you are, the better it is.  
  • be objective.  How will you know if the direction is wrong?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How to Succeed

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Heart of the Project

I'm in the midst of the project. I feel that my release date will have to be pushed back a few days. I was planning on releasing it this Sunday....but there are some more things I'd like to flesh out. One part of me just wants to put something out there, but I want it to be a good quality thing. So probably Tuesday or Wednesday is more realistic. I am working my butt off. Every spare minute I have is like doing this project. I am very passionate about it, yet at the same time, have objective criticism of everything so that I don't blindly fall in love with something just because I put in effort.

I am absolutely determined that this can work. I can't guarantee it will work right away, but by December 15, I think things will click.

It's good to be out of society's matrix of how they want everyone to live your life. To finally think ono my own and do what *I* love, not what they say is "important".

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Most Important Things To Be Successful

Most Important First:

1. Time
2. Time management/Efficiency
3. Ambition/Dream
4. Determination/Confidence/Independence
5. Creativity
6. Planning
7. Marketing
8. Adaptibility/Open Mindedness
9. Resources/Money
10. Competitiveness

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ashley Qualls fan

Believe in yourself because nobody else will do it for you! It is very important to be confident and independent in life. If you don't think you can do something, you're the equivalent of a toddler that is dependent on others. Grow up and take charge of life.

One of my heroes is 17 year old Ashley Qualls. She epitomizes what I believe in, that if you have a vision and follow it with passion then you can do anything. Here is my favourite quote from her:

I believe anything you believe can happen- Success can come if someone truly believes in themselves and the goal/object of their desire. I think anyone can do anything they want, anytime.

She is so vivacious and says it like it is. I love it.