Sunday, November 18, 2007

How to Succeed

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Heart of the Project

I'm in the midst of the project. I feel that my release date will have to be pushed back a few days. I was planning on releasing it this Sunday....but there are some more things I'd like to flesh out. One part of me just wants to put something out there, but I want it to be a good quality thing. So probably Tuesday or Wednesday is more realistic. I am working my butt off. Every spare minute I have is like doing this project. I am very passionate about it, yet at the same time, have objective criticism of everything so that I don't blindly fall in love with something just because I put in effort.

I am absolutely determined that this can work. I can't guarantee it will work right away, but by December 15, I think things will click.

It's good to be out of society's matrix of how they want everyone to live your life. To finally think ono my own and do what *I* love, not what they say is "important".

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Most Important Things To Be Successful

Most Important First:

1. Time
2. Time management/Efficiency
3. Ambition/Dream
4. Determination/Confidence/Independence
5. Creativity
6. Planning
7. Marketing
8. Adaptibility/Open Mindedness
9. Resources/Money
10. Competitiveness